Planning Commission
The Wallace Township Planning Commission meets on the second Wednesday of each month at 7:00 PM at the Township Building. Work sessions may also be scheduled for the fourth Wednesday as required. All meetings are open to the public.
William Moore: Chair
Justin Wenk: Vice Chair
William Fenn: Secretary
Janet Grashof
Barbara D'Angelo
James Kershner
The seven volunteer members of the Planning Commission are appointed by the Board of Supervisors. Their role, as defined by the Municipal Planning Code, is to review all Subdivision and Land Development Applications in conjunction with the Township Engineer and other consultants to the Township. When their review is completed, the Planning Commission recommends either approval or denial of the application to the Board of Supervisors. The MPC also requires the Planning Commission to review and recommend any change to the Township Zoning Ordinance and the Subdivision and Land Development Ordinance.
The Supervisors may also ask the Planning Commission to assist in other ways. Often ordinance changes are developed and proposed by the Planning Commission. Special Planning Task Forces have been created from time to time to study various issues such as updating the Township’s Act 537 Sewage Facilities Plan and preparing a Water Resources Study to determine the quality and quantity of our groundwater.
Any resident who is considering a subdivision of their property or building a new home in Wallace should contact the Township Secretary to request time on the Planning Commission agenda. Often informal discussions prior to submission of an application can save time and money. Application forms, copies of the ordinances, and a summary of Commission procedures are available at the Township Building.
Any resident who wish to volunteer for service on the Planning Commission should obtain an application from the Township Secretary.
All residents are encouraged to attend Planning Commission meetings and participate in the discussions. The Municipal Planning Code sharply limits the Township’s authority to control or direct development. Property owners have a fundamental right to use their land as they see fit. But the law permits the Township to enforce a zoning code and protect the rights of others. The Township also has an obligation to guide developers toward the type of community most residents would like to have. The Planning Commission is the forum where you can influence the next generation of development.
Meeting Minutes